Op-Eds and Press

ROA national staff regularly contributes opinion pieces to publications such
The Hill and the Military Times


 2024 JUL 9 ROA calls for accountability following "PACT Act" bonus blunder
 2024 MAY 20 ROA urges support for U.S. Public Health Service Ready Reserve Corps
 2024 MAY 13 ROA calls on Congress to modernize the reserve components
 2024 MAR 25 ROA urges Congress to drive forward with needed reforms to improve military to civilian transitions
 2024 FEB 14 ROA sees hurried return of Osprey endangering crew lives
 2024 FEB 01 ROA present at quality-of-life panel hearing with highest ranking senior enlisted leaders
 2023 DEC 27 ROA honors Arnold L. Punaro for inestimable contributions to the nation
 2023 DEC 19 ROA secures significant success in annual defense bill
 2023 DEC 12 ROA commends Osprey grounding
 2023 DEC 7 ROA praises backlogged flag officer commendations
 2023 DEC 1 ROA calls for immediate grounding of Osprey aircraft
 2023 NOV 9 ROA urges reforms to deficient VA disability claims process for Reserve and National Guard
 2023 SEP 22 ROA calls on Senate Majority Leader to continue moving forward with military promotions
 2023 JUL 18 ROA offers employment law information on Biden 3,000 reserve force call-up authorization
 2023 JUN 5 ROA gains momentum on key healthcare priority in the 118th Congress
 2023 FEB 22 ROA Minutemen Memorial Building on this day in history
 2023 JAN 16 ROA urges President to reinstate military separated for vaccine refusal
 2023 JAN 12 At National Press Club American Legion meeting ROA head warns of U.S. military unreadiness
 2023 JAN 11 ROA head warns of current and future military unreadiness
 2022 NOV 18 U.S. Senate honors ROA’s 100-year anniversary with passage of S.Res. 820
 2022 OCT 14 ROA Celebrates Centennial; Launches into Second Century of Service to America
 2022 SEP 2 ROA Henry J. Reilly Scholarship Recipients Announced
 2022 AUG 3 ROA hails hard-fought PACT Act Senate victory
 2022 JUL 29 ROA response to failure of U.S. Senate to advance bipartisan landmark toxic exposure legislation
 2022 JUN 29 ROA hails Supreme Court victory for burn-pits disabled Army Reserve vet and reemployment law
 2022 JUN 18 ROA hosts Reserve Education Forum: Exploring Reserve Component Space Forces on June 21 in Washington, D.C.
 2022 MAY 4   ROA CEO asks fellow generals and admirals to urge Senate support for PACT Act veterans’ toxicity benefits
 2022 MAR 28   ROA urges Supreme Court to support Torres and veterans reemployment law
 2022 MAR 15   Dental care inadequacies gnaw at Reserve and National Guard readiness
 2021 DEC 16   Supreme Court to hear burn pit case of ROA-supported Army Reserve Capt. Le Roy Torres
 2021 DEC 14   Congress must fund research on military families — including the Reserve and Guard
 2021 NOV 4   U.S. Rep. Anthony Brown tells ROA that in dangerous world, Reserves are critical
 2021 NOV 3   ROA backs National Guardsman with differential pay amicus brief
 2021 OCT 10   America’s veterans hold a reserve of national security strength we should tap
 2021 AUG 2   ROA Henry J. Reilly Scholarship Recipients Announced
 2021 JUN 23   The Pentagon shortchanges its military nurse-researchers who save GI lives
 2021 MAY 28   Congress showing bipartisanship on defense and vets — even if that's not in the news
 2021 JAN 5   ROA Endorses Inauguration Warning by Former Secretaries of Defense
 2021 JAN 2   NDAA veto override supports Reserve and Guard, enacts ROA’s call to change confederate base names
 2020 SEP 8   US Army Reserve Sgt. First Class Lori Dameron awarded ROA Bonner Scholarship for medical excellence
 2020 AUG 10   ROA Henry J. Reilly Scholarship Recipients Announced
 2020 MAY 24   Reserve and Guard face federal backstab after serving nation's COVID-19 crisis
 2020 MAR 21   Employers must support Reserve and Guard who are helping in this crisis
 2020 JAN 5   It’s time to support the new tempo of service by America’s military reserve units
 2019 NOV 11   Be grateful for those who shoulder the burden -- today and always
 2019 OCT 8   Then there were 10: When does living history outlive its value?
 2019 SEP 1
  Trump  USCIS 'technical correction' hurts military families, readiness
 2019 AUG 11   When US education policy limits a veterans' ability to get an education
 2019 JUN 2   Citizen warriors must be ready to deploy — they shouldn't pay for health care
 2019 APR 21     Retiring Guard and Reserve wait at the end of the military's pay line
 2019 MAR 10     Why block citizenship to immigrants who defend America?
 2019 FEB 3   Tonic for a divisive Congress: Look to the spirit of '96 
 2018 DEC 25      The gift of America's magi 
 2018 NOV 18   How the military tribalism erodes readiness — count the ways
 2018 NOV 11   With no alternatives, military's tribalism must go
 2018 NOV 4   Focus on defense budgets leaves Coast Guard high and dry
 2018 SEP 20   Appointee or career, VA's officials can take the agency to excellence
 2018 AUG 13   Burn pits, battlefield toxins, disabled troops and the fight for data
 2018 JUL 18   Here's why fighting youth obesity is a matter of national security
 2018 JUL 11   Discharging immigrants breaks the universal code of honor
 2018 MAY 29   Those who serve deserve our best but never have so many depended on so few
 2018 APR 29   The Korean War Army Reserve veteran who wasn't
 2018 MAR 2   Two-year defense spending smooths the way to a ready military
 2018 FEB 7   Parading the American character
 2018 JAN 29   Shutdowns harm national security and endanger America's reservists