2024 JUL 9 | | ROA calls for accountability following "PACT Act" bonus blunder |
2024 MAY 20 | | ROA urges support for U.S. Public Health Service Ready Reserve Corps |
2024 MAY 13 | | ROA calls on Congress to modernize the reserve components |
2024 MAR 25 | | ROA urges Congress to drive forward with needed reforms to improve military to civilian transitions |
2024 FEB 14 | | ROA sees hurried return of Osprey endangering crew lives |
2024 FEB 01 | | ROA present at quality-of-life panel hearing with highest ranking senior enlisted leaders |
2023 | | |
2023 DEC 27 | | ROA honors Arnold L. Punaro for inestimable contributions to the nation |
2023 DEC 19 | | ROA secures significant success in annual defense bill |
2023 DEC 12 | | ROA commends Osprey grounding |
2023 DEC 7 | | ROA praises backlogged flag officer commendations |
2023 DEC 1 | | ROA calls for immediate grounding of Osprey aircraft |
2023 NOV 9 | | ROA urges reforms to deficient VA disability claims process for Reserve and National Guard |
2023 SEP 22 | | ROA calls on Senate Majority Leader to continue moving forward with military promotions |
2023 JUL 18 | | ROA offers employment law information on Biden 3,000 reserve force call-up authorization |
2023 JUN 5 | | ROA gains momentum on key healthcare priority in the 118th Congress |
2023 FEB 22 | | ROA Minutemen Memorial Building on this day in history |
2023 JAN 16 | | ROA urges President to reinstate military separated for vaccine refusal |
2023 JAN 12 | | At National Press Club American Legion meeting ROA head warns of U.S. military unreadiness |
2023 JAN 11 | | ROA head warns of current and future military unreadiness |
2022 | | |
2022 NOV 18 | | U.S. Senate honors ROA’s 100-year anniversary with passage of S.Res. 820
2022 OCT 14 | | ROA Celebrates Centennial; Launches into Second Century of Service to America
2022 SEP 2 | | ROA Henry J. Reilly Scholarship Recipients Announced
2022 AUG 3 | | ROA hails hard-fought PACT Act Senate victory |
2022 JUL 29 | | ROA response to failure of U.S. Senate to advance bipartisan landmark toxic exposure legislation |
2022 JUN 29 | | ROA hails Supreme Court victory for burn-pits disabled Army Reserve vet and reemployment law |
2022 JUN 18 | | ROA hosts Reserve Education Forum: Exploring Reserve Component Space Forces on June 21 in Washington, D.C. |
2022 MAY 4 |
ROA CEO asks fellow generals and admirals to urge Senate support for PACT Act veterans’ toxicity benefits |
2022 MAR 28 |
ROA urges Supreme Court to support Torres and veterans reemployment law |
2022 MAR 15 |
Dental care inadequacies gnaw at Reserve and National Guard readiness |
2021 | | |
2021 DEC 16 |
Supreme Court to hear burn pit case of ROA-supported Army Reserve Capt. Le Roy Torres |
2021 DEC 14 |
Congress must fund research on military families — including the Reserve and Guard |
2021 NOV 4 |
U.S. Rep. Anthony Brown tells ROA that in dangerous world, Reserves are critical |
2021 NOV 3 |
ROA backs National Guardsman with differential pay amicus brief |
2021 OCT 10 |
America’s veterans hold a reserve of national security strength we should tap |
2021 AUG 2 |
ROA Henry J. Reilly Scholarship Recipients Announced |
2021 JUN 23 |
The Pentagon shortchanges its military nurse-researchers who save GI lives |
2021 MAY 28 |
Congress showing bipartisanship on defense and vets — even if that's not in the news |
2021 JAN 5 |
ROA Endorses Inauguration Warning by Former Secretaries of Defense |
2021 JAN 2 |
NDAA veto override supports Reserve and Guard, enacts ROA’s call to change confederate base names |
2020 | | |
2020 SEP 8 |
US Army Reserve Sgt. First Class Lori Dameron awarded ROA Bonner Scholarship for medical excellence |
2020 AUG 10 |
ROA Henry J. Reilly Scholarship Recipients Announced |
2020 MAY 24 |
Reserve and Guard face federal backstab after serving nation's COVID-19 crisis |
2020 MAR 21 |
Employers must support Reserve and Guard who are helping in this crisis |
2020 JAN 5 |
It’s time to support the new tempo of service by America’s military reserve units |
2019 | | |
2019 NOV 11 |
Be grateful for those who shoulder the burden -- today and always |
2019 OCT 8 |
Then there were 10: When does living history outlive its value? |
2019 SEP 1
Trump USCIS 'technical correction' hurts military families, readiness
2019 AUG 11 |
When US education policy limits a veterans' ability to get an education |
2019 JUN 2 |
Citizen warriors must be ready to deploy — they shouldn't pay for health care |
2019 APR 21 |
Retiring Guard and Reserve wait at the end of the military's pay line |
2019 MAR 10 |
Why block citizenship to immigrants who defend America? |
2019 FEB 3 |
Tonic for a divisive Congress: Look to the spirit of '96 |
2018 | | |
2018 DEC 25 |
The gift of America's magi |
2018 NOV 18 |
How the military tribalism erodes readiness — count the ways |
2018 NOV 11 |
With no alternatives, military's tribalism must go |
2018 NOV 4 |
Focus on defense budgets leaves Coast Guard high and dry |
2018 SEP 20 |
Appointee or career, VA's officials can take the agency to excellence |
2018 AUG 13 |
Burn pits, battlefield toxins, disabled troops and the fight for data |
2018 JUL 18 |
Here's why fighting youth obesity is a matter of national security |
2018 JUL 11 |
Discharging immigrants breaks the universal code of honor |
2018 MAY 29 |
Those who serve deserve our best but never have so many depended on so few |
2018 APR 29 |
The Korean War Army Reserve veteran who wasn't |
2018 MAR 2 |
Two-year defense spending smooths the way to a ready military |
2018 FEB 7 |
Parading the American character |
2018 JAN 29 |
Shutdowns harm national security and endanger America's reservists |