10/3/2024 to 10/6/2024
October 3-6, 2024
United States
Diane Markham
(202) 646-7728
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The Association will elect 5 new members to the Executive Committee:
- Army section: 1 president-elect (one-year term), 1 vice president (one-year term to fill unexpired term of current VP), and 1 executive committeeman (two-year term)
- Naval Services: 1 executive committeemen (Coast Guard seat) (two-year term)
- Air Force: 1 executive committeeman (two-year term)
To be considered for an elected office, you must be endorsed by your department. A letter signed by your department president or secretary should be sent to Diane Markham (dmarkham@roa.org or 1 Constitution Ave NE, Washington DC 20002).